The community that gives you the strategy, action, support and accountability you need to make more sales (without sacrificing your integrity!)  

Ready to make more sales in your business and unlock your potential for growth, without using pushy, insincere tactics that give you (and your clients) the ick? Uncover the steps to selling effectively - without ever having to shout over everyone else in the room.

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"I've made over ÂŁ5k every month since joining the membership, despite it usually being my quietest time of year."

If I had a pound every time someone told me, “I'm rubbish at sales” I'd be able to afford my own private island!

But would I be there? Well, probably… but only if I could bring my laptop! You see, even from a tropical paradise, I'd still be passionately teaching business owners like you the art of selling with value, with integrity and through your relationships - all without the need to ever feel like you are selling, and definitley without having to be the loudest in the (virtual) room.

Honestly, I get it. The world of sales can feel like a non-stop, pushy, shouty party where the loudest voice wins. And as a lifelong introvert, trust me, that's a party I'd rather skip!

The good news is that's not the only way to play the game. Here at The Sales Membership, we're having a different kind of party - one where respect, integrity, and authenticity are on the guestlist.

Imagine a world where selling genuinely feels like chatting with an old friend...

A world where spammy tactics and hard sells are thrown out the window, replaced with genuine conversations that lead to real connections (and yes, more sales). 

At The Sales Membership, we’re creating an ethical sales revolution - one where the quiet voices don't just survive, but thrive. No sleazy tactics, no forceful persuasions, no need to shout to be heard.

Here in The Sales Membership, we're not just selling differently. We're selling better. We're selling more. This is sales success, but probably not as you know it.

“2023 was my highest ever sales year, thanks to Anna’s guidance and I’m on track to smash that in 2024.”

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A well-planned sales strategy is essential for your business, yet it's the puzzle piece that most small businesses often overlook. Surprising, right?

If you're scratching your head right now, wondering, “Okay, but what exactly IS a sales strategy?”, then don't worry, you're not alone. Actually, you're in pretty good company - it's the question I get asked the most!

- If you’re not making any sales yet, imagine having a robust, proven strategy to kickstart your revenue and get you well on the way to regular, easy sales.

- And, if your business is already working without a sales strategy, then just imagine how much better it could be when you have one!

- No matter your current business stage, The Sales Membership is here to amplify your success even further!

I want you to be messaging me feedback just like this member... 

''I've had my best ever sales months since joining The Membership. Amazing feedback and sales advice!"

Sounds good, right? 

Now, let's unlock your sales superpowers with...

The Sales Membership

A community for entrepreneurs who are ready to step up their sales with integrity. 

This isn't just a membership - it's a revolution in authentic selling.

  • Infuse your personality into your sales strategy and watch as authenticity becomes your strongest sales weapon.
  • Experience the power of ongoing motivation and support, pushing you to be your best. 
  • Take control with monthly goal-setting, implementation and accountability so that you meet your targets.
  • Reinforce your newfound sales skills into deep-seated habits.
  • Make meaningful connections within a network of like-minded go-getters, sparking collaborations that amplify your success.
  • Enjoy every win, as you and your peers celebrate and rise together.

Your membership includes:

  • Monthly Goal Setting: Gain the tools (and the confidence) to set BIG goals for the coming month - and the strategy to help you smash them!
  • Monthly Lead Generation & Follow-Up Implementation Sessions: Live interactive sessions where we roll up our sleeves, and generate leads, then convert those leads into clients.
  • Weekly live catch-ups with Anna: In a weekly live, I'll share what I'm up to, what I'm working on, what's going well, what I've learned.  This is a chance for me to connect with the members, add a tonne of value and help with whatever I think is most needed that week. 
  • End-of-Month Connect & Reflect Sessions: Join these casual meetups to share wins, learnings, and goals with peers in small, intimate groups. It's networking made personal, supportive, and real.
  • Monthly Q&A: Join me for a monthly session to answer your questions, solve your challenges and make the most of our opportunities. 
  • Bonus Trainings & Challenges: Just when you thought it couldn't get better - I throw in extra trainings and challenges to keep your skills sharp and your spirits high!
  • Discounts on all 1:1, courses, programmes and events
  • Regular opportunities to self-promote and find collabs inside the membership 
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The impact on your business:

  • More sales, of course: Picture your business growing consistently, making more money, and breaking targets you never even thought you’d set - let alone reach.
  • Time is on your side: Remember when time was always running out? Those days are gone. With a focused and reliable sales strategy that works for you (and not the other way round), time becomes your bestie.
  • No more glittery distractions: You know that habit of chasing the 'next big thing'? Well, you can leave that behind. You'll be putting into practice strategies that have stood the test of time and proven their worth. No distractions, just results.
  • Knowing what to do and when: Imagine the relief of knowing exactly where to direct your efforts, where every ounce of energy draws in eager clients. Stress? What’s that?
  • Confidence in being yourself when selling: You don’t need to try and be someone you’re not. It doesn’t work! 
  • Contagious success: Around here, success isn't just celebrated; it's a shared experience, and it’s super catchy!

The Sales Membership is perfect if you are:

  • An entrepreneur ready to take online sales and growth to the next level
  • A go-getter with a growth mindset, ready to dive in and take action
  • A business owner with a heart for your clients and a vision for the long term
  • A person of integrity, always
  • Someone who thrives in a bustling, supportive community of doers
  • A believer in authentic, value-driven selling that's all about helping,  pushing, persuading, forcing or any other dated way of approaching sales


But, it's not for you if:

  • You're not too fussed about your clients or their results
  • You're hunting for a 'magic trick' or a 'secret shortcut'
  • You're not ready to uphold the highest level of integrity
  • You're not willing to put in the work
  • You love the 'hard sell' or spammy tactics - sorry, we’re allergic to that in The Sales Membership!


Your satisfaction is guaranteed

I'm so sure about the incredible value The Sales Membership delivers, that I'm backing it up with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If within 14 days of diving in, you don't find yourself falling head over heels for the community, simply let me know. I'll issue a full refund! That's how confident I am that you're going to absolutely love being part of The Sales Membership.

Hi, I'm Anna.

I'm an introvert, quite happy to avoid the limelight, and absolutely allergic to high-pressure or pushy sales tactics. 

You might be wondering, "she doesn’t seem like the type of sales expert I’m used to…" - true, and I wear that badge with pride. 

I'm not one for sticking strictly to the script, and that's exactly what makes this work.

Despite my atypical profile, I've got a stellar track record in sales: Over 25 years of experience, during which I've sold millions of pounds worth of consultancy and services. I've assembled and led superstar sales teams and aided hundreds of entrepreneurs to boost their sales and triumph - all on their terms. I've built three vastly different businesses, each achieving either 6 or multi 6-figures within the first year!

My passion is helping business owners like you not just get comfortable with sales, but to fall head over heels for it! Because when you do, that's when you truly start making an impact, creating the income you desire, and stepping into the freedom you've always wanted.

My membership community fills my heart with joy, and I'm super excited to welcome new members into our fold to create some serious business transformation. 

I’d love to have you join us!

Anna x

Sales isn't some magic skill you're either born with or you're not. It’s a process - and ANYONE can learn it.

Just like any other part of running your business - whether that's doing your bookkeeping or building your website - sales is something you can learn, step by step.

Here's the thing: most business owners are so focused on perfecting their marketing strategy or learning systems and tech, they overlook the crucial element of a dedicated sales strategy. And that's where the missing piece is for so many people.

With over 25 years of sales experience and the successful launch of multiple 6- and 7-figure businesses, I've cracked the code to meaningful and successful selling. And guess what? 

This magic formula isn't reserved for an elite few - it's completely attainable for you too!

Here’s a secret: selling isn't about showmanship and being loud and flashy. In The Sales Membership, you will learn that it’s really about:

  • A client-centric approach: The magic happens when you place your clients' needs at the core of your business. It's not about what you want to sell, it's about what your clients need to thrive. And I'll show you how to do this effortlessly.
  • Building authentic relationships: Transactions come and go, but relationships last. I'll guide you on how to create deep connections that transcend typical business interactions.
  • Radical generosity: It's not about holding back, but giving more than the expected! I'll equip you with the strategies to offer unmatched value that leaves your clients craving more. It sounds ambitious, but trust me, it's so much simpler than you think.
  • Delivering exceptional services: This isn't about merely meeting expectations - it's about exceeding them - and then some! I'll help you align your offerings with what your clients really want, elevating your business to a level of excellence that's both achievable and sustainable.

Discover the joy of selling when it's effortless and enjoyable, not just a task on your to-do list. 

Trust me - the shift from the tension of 'selling' to the fulfilment of 'helping' makes everything fall into place. Sales start flowing, not because you're the loudest or most popular, but because you're genuinely serving your clients.

All the strategies and techniques you need are exclusively shared within The Sales Membership community!

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Picture this…

  • You're interacting with potential clients with ease and authenticity, completely sidestepping any spammy DMs or unsavoury tactics - all thanks to mastering my powerfully effective permission-based selling system.
  • Knowing when to follow up without fear of seeming too desperate or pushy. You're excited, not nervous, about creating genuine relationships.
  • Your 'sales strategy' has evolved from a hopeful post on social media or the odd email to your list into a plan that works.
  • Your hands aren't crossed; they're busy connecting with and speaking to your dream clients, forming real relationships that naturally convert into sales.
  • You're no longer stuck on the marketing treadmill. Instead, you're moving at a steady pace towards your goals, unafraid to ask your audience to take action. You know it's not being pushy - it's simply guiding them towards a solution they want and need.
  • Sales calls no longer send a chill down your spine. Instead, you see them as brilliant opportunities to build connections, gain insights, and offer true value. It's now exciting, not scary!
  • You're dreaming big - freedom, impact, success, financial growth - and you know exactly how to get there. Your roadmap? A steady stream of sales that helps you make a real impact!

I really want you to know this…

Sales isn't about coercion, aggression, persuasion, manipulation, or undue pressure. 

Rather, it's rooted in building genuine relationships, active listening, offering consultative advice, and a profound understanding of your client's needs. It's all about providing fitting solutions, delivering with excellence, and creating long-term, rewarding relationships that help both parties.

You can become EXCEPTIONALLY good at sales, just by being unapologetically YOU. 

Maybe you think you need to morph into this high-energy, extroverted, life-of-the-party persona to succeed in sales. But that’s just one way to do it. And if it's not you, if it feels fake or forced, then it's not your way - and it won’t work either!

And if you believe that to make more sales you have to compromise your values, I'm here to tell you: you don’t. 

In my 25+ years in sales and building various businesses to multi 6- and 7-figures (one in as little as 12 months), I've steadfastly refused to use pushy, spammy, old-school sales tactics. 

I’ve allowed myself to really own my introversion and be empowered with it rather than hampered by it. I believe in doing what's right for my clients, and I want you to believe in it too!

Sound like something you're ready for? Amazing! Because anything less means you're leaving money on the table and, more importantly, not reaching the amazing people you set out to help. 

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1. Expert Training

Enjoy a weekly deep-dive into sales, marketing, business growth strategies, and beyond.

2. Unwavering Support

Get ready for heaps of resources, ensuring you're never left hanging. But here's the real game-changer: my personal commitment to help you plug that pesky "leaky funnel'' so you can stop leaving money on the table.

3. Goals & Accountability

We'll slice through the fog, get clear on your goals, and map out the path to meet them. Weekly check-ins will keep your momentum going, and our month-end accountability sessions will review your progress, highlight your wins, and find ways to go bigger.

4. Thriving Community

Welcome to the pulsing heart of our membership - the community. Here, wins are celebrated, success strategies are shared, accountability buddies are found, fresh ideas are born, and everyone is cheering you on. You're about to feel right at home!

Member: Emma

I have had my BEST ever sales months since joining Anna's membership last year.  Plus she has given me the encouragement and advice to launch the next stage of my business I was holding back from (which has turned out to be a huge success!) I recently launched (and sold out) my first retreats and have also launched my own membership community. Working with Anna has helped build my confidence, she gives amazing feedback and perspective, and super effective sales advice I have been able to implement immediately. 

Just to remind you what you're stepping into...

  • Expert TRAINING that'll empower you to sell authentically, in YOUR unique style. No cookie-cutter tactics here, only strategies that let your personality shine.

  • Unwavering SUPPORT to guide you through the maze of selling. I've got your back during the tough times and will be right there cheering you on as you conquer those hurdles.

  • A COMMUNITY that's always ready to celebrate your wins, share their wisdom, and celebrate your wins. No one understands your journey better than those on the same path!

  • Unflinching ACCOUNTABILITY that ensures you're not just planning but also taking action - consistently, persistently, and relentlessly.

And the best part? All this comes at a price tag that's lower than your daily Starbucks indulgence - and trust me, it's miles better for you!

So are you ready to trade that daily caffeine fix for a business-transforming, sales-boosting adventure?

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You've made it this far, and you're probably loving what The Membership offers, but if you're still on the fence, let's ponder this together:


If not now, then when?

Mastering sales is a lot like achieving fitness goals – it doesn’t happen overnight. It requires commitment, practice, and a good dose of perseverance. That's where The Membership comes in – we're here to guide you every step of the way. We've designed this platform to catch you when you stumble, applaud when you triumph, guide you when you second-guess, and reassure you through bouts of self-doubt.

In this journey, you won't feel alone. You'll be nurtured, supported, and empowered. You'll feel invincible, held accountable, and inspired to take action that brings tangible results. With us, you won't worry about falling off the wagon – because we're turning this journey into an exciting ride!

As you start to build daily habits of discovering fresh leads, nurturing existing ones, and getting better at confidently sealing the deal, the effect is nothing short of transformative. You're not just changing the game for your business, but you're also altering the course of your life.

But the magic starts only when you take the first step – today.

Just listen to the testimonials from our members who've taken action and reaped the rewards of being a part of The Membership…

Member: Yvonne, Social Media Manager 

Before I joined the membership I was coasting in business. Enquiries had started to dry up and my confidence was at all all time low. As a result I hadn't been taking direct action as I was stuck in a cycle of inconsistent selling. Being part of the membership has not only provided me a safe space to ask for support but Anna has shown me how to show up week after and sell - unapologetically, in a way that works for my business. I'm much more confident offering my products in a way that feels right for me and as a result I've made over 5k every month since joining despite it usually being my quietest time of year.

Member: Rachel, Photographer

With Anna's guidance I've grown my audience, streamlined my processes to save time and money, added new income streams and best of all I now charge my worth! Last year I had my highest ever sales year and on track to smash that in 2023!I keep coming back to work with Anna and every time she blows me away with her business knowledge, loving support and general awesomeness! Anna is one of those rare business coaches who actually has three successful businesses under her own belt. She blends actionable steps and motivation with ease and joy. I love Anna! I've worked with Anna 1-2-1 and in groups and will continue to do so!

Member: Anna Chesire

Anna has opened my eyes to the inside track on sales!  I wasn’t afraid of selling, but I didn’t quite know how to do it, when, how often, or how to actually structure or schedule it.  I now know exactly what to do, when, and how to do it, and it’s really very easy.  The best thing is, when I first followed her step by step instructions, I made ten (ten!) sales in one week, and now, despite all the other enticing offers out there to learn about sales, I’ve stuck with her method, as it makes sense, and it works.


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